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The stocking has been successfully completed, and the waters of Funen have become more than 400,000 sea trout richer. As previously described, this year’s smolt releases are completely unique, as all released fish have had their adipose fins clipped. The fish are part of a large-scale labeling experiment that will explain to what extent smolt releases contribute to the Funen sea trout sportfishery

Now a new chapter in the big labeling experiment begins – and you can be an important piece.
We have already heard rumors that fin clipped smolts have been caught on Als and Avernakø. The smolt has thus already crossed large expanses, and the fish have spread well and truly along the coasts of Funen.
Since we want to know everything about the fish that are caught, you, along with your fishing rod and your phone, are among the most important actors in the tagging experiment! We want YOU – via the app Fangstjournalen – to help us gather knowledge about sea trout.

Smolt with, and without a adiposefin

In collaboration with DTU AQUA (The Danish Technical University), the App “Fangstjournalen,” meaning “the catch journal” is now equipped to handle catch reports that distinguish between tagged and wild fish. Or more precisely, it will now be your task to register whether your sea trout is with or without an adipose fin when you report your catch.
It is VERY important that you report all fish you catch – i.e. both sea trout with and without adipose fins, and it is also very important that you report fishing trips WITHOUT catching. This can tell the researchers whether our fishing is getting better or worse over time.

At Havørred Fyn, DTU AQUA and FGU – Fyns Laksefisk (Funen Salmonoide), we encourage and sincerely hope that as many anglers as possible will help us with our tagging experiment, so that we can get as much data home as possible. It is important knowledge that will benefit us all in the end. So share the message with your fishing buddies, your association or just the random angler you meet on the coast.
ALL sea trout on Funen and the islands will be stocked without adipose fins until at least 2025.

We have made a small guide that describes how to register your catches on the Fangstjournalen App:

Do you want to read more about the marking experiment? Read more here: Trout marking project – Seatrout Fyn