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Kenneth lives in the beautiful region of South West Funen, only a couple of hundred meters from the coastline.
All through the year, Kenneth will fish for seatrout, mainly with fly and normally on the southern part of Funen. He is most enthusiastic about the Spring and Autumn seasons, but according to Kenneth mild winters with day tempatures of 5 degrees or more are highly underrated and can offer a fantastic fishing.
Kenneth started at age 12 with fishing for flatfish in the harbour of Kerteminde and especially in his summer holidays, he often used his bicycle to go from Odense to Kerteminde with his rod on his back. Later on, he began fishing in the river Odense and when he turned 18, he started flyfishing on the coast for seatrout on a big scale.
Kenneth is the manager and daily host on “Fishing Lodge Funen”, besides being a certified angling guide and skipper, so he is always ready to help you with good information and up to date tips on the fishing and answer all your questions during your stay.

Website:  https://fishinglodgefyn.dk/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fishinglodgefyn 

Instagram:  www.instagram.com/fishinglodgefyn