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Silver award for Sea Trout Fyn



Sea Trout Fyn reached the podium on the 8th of November in an international competition in Chicago “The International Awards for Liveable Communities” (LivCom). We ran in a competition for innovative projects, which demonstrate sustainability, and which has a positive effect on the local community end environment.

The competition

I the competition some 8 countries competed, which all had qualified themselves for the finals. All were judged by their ability to work in a holistic way which generates a sustainable and attractive community for the local citizens.

There was a focus on 6 topics in the competition:

  • Improvement of the urban sphere: The dynamics between nature and constructions. Some of our best examples were the river-restauration in Munke Mose, city of Odense, and the river Bogens Bybæk, in the city of Bogense.
  • Art, culture and heritage: The example was recreational angling for sea trout / sea run brown trout as well as the preserving of cultural heritage while restoring local watercourses.
  • Best Practise for the environment: Watercourse-restauration and removing of obstacles in streams and creeks, release of sea trout and the environmental friendly hatchery at Fyn’s Laksefisk (Fyn’s Salmonid Hatchery).
  • Local involvement and volunteers: The participation of Vandpleje Fyn (Fyn’s volunteer watercourse-restauration) and Grusbanden (the ‘gravel-gang’) in the restauration of rivers. Also, the participation of local school classes in the proces and part of their learning og biology and physics.
  • Healthy lifestyle: The active angler’s life as a recreational occupation, which is good for the mental health and the mere sea trout and a healthy source of food.
  • Strategic planning: How to proceed from plan to action – how did we actually turn out ambition into real angling tourism and a notable increase in the local turnover – which goes to show, that the investments in the project are returned 10-fold – annually,

Former CEO of Syddansk Turisme, Mr. Peter Saabye Simonsen, states that “We’re very happy and proud of this nomination. Partly because it’s very prestigious for us to receive such a notable nomination, partly because it goes to prove, that it’s possible to develop a sustainable tourisme, where environmental improvements goes hand in hand with the creation of local jobs and local support. We know, that especially German angling-tourists value this aspect highly. Ultimately these characteristics helps generate local growth, both financially and environmentally”.

Further info:

Project manager: Jan Hald Kjeldsen,  jhk@odense.dk 

Facts – what is LIVCOM?

LivCom has been in existence since 1997 and is supported by UNEP (UN’s Environmental Program) and IFPRA (International Federation of  Parks and Recreation Administration). The purpose of LIVCOM is to promote best practice, innovation and management with regards to the creation of a dynamic and environmentally sustainable local community, which improves the quality of life for the local inhabitants.